Dear reader,
For reasons I'll soon be talking about in depth,
I've had to do some re-envisioning of this site.
The next bit of writing will cover some of that vision.
If you're here for the first time, welcome.
And to new and returning readers alike, thank you for
taking the time out of your busy day to visit this site.
It truly does mean the world.
Now lets start off with the nuts and bolts.
My name is Ty
I am 37 years old
I grew up in Kansas, USA
I currently live in Texas, USA
I am cisgendered, heterosexual, male
I use he/him pronouns
My ethnicity is caucasian/white
I'm sort of a lizard person.
You know how people have a partially reptilian brain?
I think maybe my whole brain is reptilian.
Social cues and emotions that people tend to have
are often lost on me. Other people have them.
I apparently do not.
I'm clinically depressed
and have unspecified anxiety disorder.
I want to be a good person.
I can be disproportionately angry,
spiteful, or retaliatory at times.
I am inconsistent.
I don't follow through on commitments.
I sometimes say whatever is necessary
to get out of tough conversations.
Tell me if I am being immoral,
unethical, harmful, or ugly.
Tell me if I am being disproportionately
angry, spiteful, or retaliatory.
Tell me if you see me forgetting
that I want to be a good person.
Say, "Hey didn't you say you were
trying to be a good person?"
That will help a lot.
Thank you.
And sorry.
It is a passion project.
It is not for profit.
It is important to me.
To develop as a writer
To develop my creativity
To develop as an artist
To grow as a person
To reinvent myself
To archive my writing
To make my writing visible to others
To plant seeds and see what grows
To share my innermost thoughts and self
To be authentic, open, and honest
To show you who I am
To discover who I am in that process
And, most importantly, to be a good person
I would like to maintain this space as long as I can.
I would like to do my writing here from now on.
I might not write everyday, but when I do,
I would like to do it here.
I don't really know where we're going with this,
but I've been writing in journals my whole life.
This is a new chapter in that journey, a journey
I'll be sharing with you from now on. A scary
proposition, but an exciting one too. I'm excited
to see where it takes us, and I hope you'll come
along for the ride. You've made it this far.
Let's see what happens next.
Thanks for reading
Like what you read? Feel free to share!
Questions? Feedback? Wanna get in touch?
Thanks again for visiting
and please come back soon!